Thursday, December 16, 2010
The year in review....
There is always time to expand your mind. The pic is of my reading stack for 2010.
Books- journals- magazines- course manuals, all ingested and enjoyed for the year.
The titles are listed below and I recommend them all!
My favourites were the "Flow" books by Milhay Csikzentmilhalyi and "The Brain that changes itself" Norman Dioge.
Nett Magazine 4- Feb; March; April; May
Australian Yoga Life 2- Mar/May; Jun/Aug
Fitness Life NZ 5- issue 44; 45; 46; 47; 48
Alive Australia 1- Summer issue 2
Network 2- Winter; Spring
Australian Yoga Journal-2 Apr/May; Aug/Sept
ATMS 3- Vol 16 issue 1; 2; 3
Sports Injury Bulletin 7- Jan; Feb; Mar; Apr; May; Jun; July
Educational Notes
Going Ballistic: Brandon Jones (CST)
How to write Headlines: Mal Emery
No Bull- Speed selling: Mal Emery
The Ultimate Million $ mkting: Mal Emery
Chiball Method Instructor training
CST Head Coach Training
Gua Sha TCM techniques
~Let’s Read Our Feet: Jane Sheenhan
~Full Body Flexibility: Jay Blahnik
~Orthobionomy: Kathy Kain
~The Chakra Bible: Patricia Mercier
~The Book of Five Rings: Miyamoto Musashi
~Success in Your Business: Mic Pilon
~Bodymind: Ken Dychtwald
~Deep Simplicity: John Gribbin
~Finding Flow: Milhay Csikzentmilhalyi
~Flow- the Psychology of
Optimal Experience: Milhay Csikzentmilhalyi
~Creativity: Milhay Csiczentmilhalyi
~The Genius of Flexibility: Bob Cooley
~Rooms for Improvement: Geoff Wilson
~How the Catholic Church
Built Western Civilisation: Thomas. E. Woods
~Dying was the Best Thing
that Happened to me: William Hablitzel
~The brain that Changes
Itself: Norman Dioge
No i'm not a speed reader.
Yes I am a geek! AND I am also a master @ time management...
Neally all this reading was done whilst driving. Well not literally (although those that know me won't believe that)I read all this whilst sitting in traffic/ @ red lights. I started with journals, as they had short articles that are easy to read. Then i picked up my reading pace a little, but more importantly committing to memory what I had read so I didn't need to re-read anything the next time I picked up the book!
So get yourself some 'redlight' reading and nourish that plastic thirsty brain of yours! How much can you read in 2011?
Cheers to the New Year. 11 is a GREAT number.... big things are coming for Posture Plus and "Donna Inc".
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Movement is Life
Life should be experienced with vibrance and animated vigor.
You – your body, should be able to do anything at any moment.
The more you are willing to move, the more you will look for new ways to move- the world becomes that playground it once was. Climbing a tree is not just for kids; play equipment becomes a fantastic (and fun) free gym session.
All you truly have- all you “are” is your body. If that does not function with all its dynamic options….. What sort of life are you living?
Sadly we modern day adults are conditioned out of dynamic movement. When was the last time you sat or laid on the floor? When was the last time to skipped (with or without a rope). When was the last time you felt your stomach drop from the exhilaration of successfully completing a challenging physical manouver?
Most of the above activities are done when in the 'rehab' phase of an injury that suddenly 'happened TO US' or activities we watch others do. We are ignorant of the magic of our body's until we desperately want it to heal, so we can 'get on with it' and ignore it once again.
2011 will bring the opportunity to service your physical needs and still 'get on with life'. The secrets and shortcuts of injury prevention and fantastic fitness will be available through Posture Plus and the new site that is coming. Keep your eye on this blog and be ready to take action!
This body is your only body and the only thing that you truly posses! Be mindful of its service to you and aim to do one new/ different movement each month, then each week, then each day.
More to come soon!
You – your body, should be able to do anything at any moment.
The more you are willing to move, the more you will look for new ways to move- the world becomes that playground it once was. Climbing a tree is not just for kids; play equipment becomes a fantastic (and fun) free gym session.
All you truly have- all you “are” is your body. If that does not function with all its dynamic options….. What sort of life are you living?
Sadly we modern day adults are conditioned out of dynamic movement. When was the last time you sat or laid on the floor? When was the last time to skipped (with or without a rope). When was the last time you felt your stomach drop from the exhilaration of successfully completing a challenging physical manouver?
Most of the above activities are done when in the 'rehab' phase of an injury that suddenly 'happened TO US' or activities we watch others do. We are ignorant of the magic of our body's until we desperately want it to heal, so we can 'get on with it' and ignore it once again.
2011 will bring the opportunity to service your physical needs and still 'get on with life'. The secrets and shortcuts of injury prevention and fantastic fitness will be available through Posture Plus and the new site that is coming. Keep your eye on this blog and be ready to take action!
This body is your only body and the only thing that you truly posses! Be mindful of its service to you and aim to do one new/ different movement each month, then each week, then each day.
More to come soon!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Video of training tour
With my life being my work and my work my life... Mastering the Art of Living is a pleasant journey... even if some if it LOOKS like torture from the outside. Inside the journey is bliss. Click the link below to see what I call a days work....
To my colleagues and friends visible in the video and whom were present @ the time of filming (both along side me in the training and being the person (Mike Lasnier) capturing the footage) THANK YOU!
Thank you for being who you are and being part of my journey.
to those interested in what 'they work- my work' is...
If you like what you see, make contact and join us on the journey.
Make daily movement part of your journey and flow through life with a mindful attitude and a playful energy.... that is infectious.
To my colleagues and friends visible in the video and whom were present @ the time of filming (both along side me in the training and being the person (Mike Lasnier) capturing the footage) THANK YOU!
Thank you for being who you are and being part of my journey.
to those interested in what 'they work- my work' is...
If you like what you see, make contact and join us on the journey.
Make daily movement part of your journey and flow through life with a mindful attitude and a playful energy.... that is infectious.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Breath Training and Being Breathed.
Breath Training and Being Breathed.
From limited breath work training (outlined below) the following is new insight to a broad and deep topic.
*this was posted in 2008 and is an extract of the original article.....
Conscious/deliberately practiced breathing has been a significant part of my class program Posture Plus™ since the outset. My initial training in Pilates introduced the conscious practice of timed breathing which allows one to contract core muscles fully, aiding Pilates based exercises.
Following my introduction to breath work with Pilates came Stretch Therapy™ with Kit Laughlin ( The Stretch Therapy™ training developed my breath work appreciation further utilising diaphragmatic breathing to take the body towards a relaxed state whilst also enabling one to manipulate and influence stretch/ exercise results.
As my Pilates teacher said (often) “breathing makes the exercise”. This I believed, but did not (until now) fully comprehend. I have recently been introduced to a new concept with regards breathing and that is 'Be Breathed'™ by Scott Sonnon. (
In April of 2008 I was introduced to the concept of letting the body breathe you through out your training. It was not until I started playing with my Clubbbells™ that I actually grasped this concept. To 'be breathed'™ rather than controlling the breath was the opposite to what I had been doing and teaching for seven years!
After initial fear and resistance… I did not have to undo all my training and teaching (phew).
July I started playing with the 'Be Breathed'™ DVD. The movements and philosophy within the 'Be breathed'™ routine run very close to the way 'ab' work is taught within Posture Plus™. The CST 'Be breathed'™ routine has a few extensions (figuratively and literally) but the sequenced use of breath is similar.
The story I wish to share is the insight I gained during my week at my mothers bedside. My mother suffered one of the cruelest diseases known; Motor Neurone Disease (www.mnd.asn).
In the Northern Hemisphere ALS (Lou Gehrig's); SMA or Kennedy's Disease.
I started writing this whilst in my mothers room, listening intently to her breathe. The significance of her breath was due to the nature of her disease. Whilst being present with my mother in her final week we were intently focused on her breath. My mother had made it clear she was ready to depart and wanted the supplimentary oxygen off. Taking off the oxygen we (Drs included) all thought would mean a quick end to her suffering.
To our astonishment mum lasted nearly a full week without the oxygen. Her breath (when fully sedated) was relaxed and rhythmical. As the days passed it was obvious the body was slowly shutting down, but her pulse was strong and her breath remained rhythmical. By the third day (off the oxygen) it suddenly occurred to be that we are breathed!
As Scott states in the 'Be breathed'™ DVD
“be breathed is not something you do, it is something
you are/ become”
This is true in relation to movement (as mentioned at the start of this story) but it is also true for the Spirit. Without conscious beliefs/ fears blocking my mother’s breath, the body was being breathed in a calm relaxed manner.
So how can this be?
Putting aside the power of the mind with its ability to convince oneself of how things 'are'. In my mothers case “my disease has progressed to the point where I need oxygen”. She did 'need' the oxygen, as a pacifier to keep her calm and comfortable. Once she was sedated and the mental fears were eliminated, the body kept breathing… she didn’t NEED the supplementary Oxygen.
How is this so?
After witnessing the continual breath in. The automatic internally driven breath in. I now believe this is how it is! We don't breathe to stay alive, we are breathed.
What we think of as breathing, is our manipulation of the inwardly driven breath in. We manipulate breathing via our responses (both conscious and subconscious), as a result of stress; physical movement and emotional challenges. This responsive or controlled breathing is usually a shallow breath driven by accessory muscles- not the diaphragm. But in an unconscious state (as in sleep) we are breathed; we can breathe completely...unrestricted.
So what can be taken from this?
With the nicest of intents...that is up to you.
For me, it takes the pressure off literally. Breathing will happen as a matter of fact; as I experienced (but did not absorb) in the past few months with my Clubbell™ training. As I witnessed in the past week with my mother, and as I experimented out running this week. You can extend yourself physically if you train trusting that you will be breathed.
As I move in to my first ever Yoga training... I will add to these insights on breath work and breath mastery!
From limited breath work training (outlined below) the following is new insight to a broad and deep topic.
*this was posted in 2008 and is an extract of the original article.....
Conscious/deliberately practiced breathing has been a significant part of my class program Posture Plus™ since the outset. My initial training in Pilates introduced the conscious practice of timed breathing which allows one to contract core muscles fully, aiding Pilates based exercises.
Following my introduction to breath work with Pilates came Stretch Therapy™ with Kit Laughlin ( The Stretch Therapy™ training developed my breath work appreciation further utilising diaphragmatic breathing to take the body towards a relaxed state whilst also enabling one to manipulate and influence stretch/ exercise results.
As my Pilates teacher said (often) “breathing makes the exercise”. This I believed, but did not (until now) fully comprehend. I have recently been introduced to a new concept with regards breathing and that is 'Be Breathed'™ by Scott Sonnon. (
In April of 2008 I was introduced to the concept of letting the body breathe you through out your training. It was not until I started playing with my Clubbbells™ that I actually grasped this concept. To 'be breathed'™ rather than controlling the breath was the opposite to what I had been doing and teaching for seven years!
After initial fear and resistance… I did not have to undo all my training and teaching (phew).
July I started playing with the 'Be Breathed'™ DVD. The movements and philosophy within the 'Be breathed'™ routine run very close to the way 'ab' work is taught within Posture Plus™. The CST 'Be breathed'™ routine has a few extensions (figuratively and literally) but the sequenced use of breath is similar.
The story I wish to share is the insight I gained during my week at my mothers bedside. My mother suffered one of the cruelest diseases known; Motor Neurone Disease (www.mnd.asn).
In the Northern Hemisphere ALS (Lou Gehrig's); SMA or Kennedy's Disease.
I started writing this whilst in my mothers room, listening intently to her breathe. The significance of her breath was due to the nature of her disease. Whilst being present with my mother in her final week we were intently focused on her breath. My mother had made it clear she was ready to depart and wanted the supplimentary oxygen off. Taking off the oxygen we (Drs included) all thought would mean a quick end to her suffering.
To our astonishment mum lasted nearly a full week without the oxygen. Her breath (when fully sedated) was relaxed and rhythmical. As the days passed it was obvious the body was slowly shutting down, but her pulse was strong and her breath remained rhythmical. By the third day (off the oxygen) it suddenly occurred to be that we are breathed!
As Scott states in the 'Be breathed'™ DVD
“be breathed is not something you do, it is something
you are/ become”
This is true in relation to movement (as mentioned at the start of this story) but it is also true for the Spirit. Without conscious beliefs/ fears blocking my mother’s breath, the body was being breathed in a calm relaxed manner.
So how can this be?
Putting aside the power of the mind with its ability to convince oneself of how things 'are'. In my mothers case “my disease has progressed to the point where I need oxygen”. She did 'need' the oxygen, as a pacifier to keep her calm and comfortable. Once she was sedated and the mental fears were eliminated, the body kept breathing… she didn’t NEED the supplementary Oxygen.
How is this so?
After witnessing the continual breath in. The automatic internally driven breath in. I now believe this is how it is! We don't breathe to stay alive, we are breathed.
What we think of as breathing, is our manipulation of the inwardly driven breath in. We manipulate breathing via our responses (both conscious and subconscious), as a result of stress; physical movement and emotional challenges. This responsive or controlled breathing is usually a shallow breath driven by accessory muscles- not the diaphragm. But in an unconscious state (as in sleep) we are breathed; we can breathe completely...unrestricted.
So what can be taken from this?
With the nicest of intents...that is up to you.
For me, it takes the pressure off literally. Breathing will happen as a matter of fact; as I experienced (but did not absorb) in the past few months with my Clubbell™ training. As I witnessed in the past week with my mother, and as I experimented out running this week. You can extend yourself physically if you train trusting that you will be breathed.
As I move in to my first ever Yoga training... I will add to these insights on breath work and breath mastery!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The "Donna Domino"
I just finished a session with a girlfriend and she reminded me the value of my unique approach to training and movement coaching. As it has been said before ‘there are no wrong or unsafe exercises- just incorrect execution leading to injury or an ill informed- ill prepared body performing the exercise’.
A perfectionist @ heart (driven by an ego that fears being ‘wrong’) my client/ friend kindly gave me a new insight to the value of my pedantic/ precise coaching. She called it the “Donna domino effect”.
What this client was referring to was her new found understanding of how her body functions and the fact that no one has ever taken the time to ensure she ‘gets it’.
My focus is connection and understanding. Core strength and stability work are phrases that are now part of our everyday language. You don’t have to be a gym bunny to know what these phrases are referring to.
The missing link to that ‘knowing’ and physically connecting to and understanding the true value of these (and many more) ‘gym’ phrases is me! Gaining an edge is all part of the plan for most people. Athletes want the edge on competitors and other teams; corporates want an edge on the market and competitors; Mr & Mrs ‘round the corner’ want the edge on the neighbour or ‘Jimmy’s’ parents at school.
To gain the edge on any level means one has an advantage; one has insight and understanding that they embody and have as part of them. The edge is within, it is not an add-on. To have the physical edge you want to have a Definite Edge. Donna’s domino effect provides a connection to exactly that… an edge; the edge; your edge.
My client saw the ‘domino’ knock –on in her physicality when she finally ‘got’ what it actually felt like when she consciously felt her pelvic floor contracting. Previous to today’s jubilation she had a cognitive understanding of what she was doing and why, but it wasn’t until she not only felt the pelvic floor move, but also the flow on from that of her Centre of Gravity being stabilised as a result.
What my client felt was the pelvic floor being contracted without all the usual movement cheats that the body innately does (thinking it is helping). What she felt was a conscious squeeze of the muscle; the resultant internal pressure that contraction produced and the flow on shift of the Sacrum (tail bone) which locked her Sacro- iliac joints into place (anatomically called “forced closure”).
The excitement around this was not just the fact that she felt all this happening on her command, it was the fact that she linked the functional benefit of having TRUE stability so that she didn’t “hurt” herself when she trained!
You see, why my dear friend finally came to me was b/c she had been through as many personal trainers and gyms as she’s had birthdays. (not to mention the thousands of dollars spent at her local physical practitioners- no need to name these here as she has been through all the modalities you care to list!)
My friend (like most) had almost given up the goal to be fit; healthy & pain-free. She just accepted that her ‘problems’ were part of getting older. To me she came because I’ve recently moved to the same suburb as her, so we meet at the beautiful Bondi beach to train.
Like most people of the 21st Century my friend saw exercise as a chore and spending time REALLY looking after herself and putting her physicality first was just too time consuming; effortful (energetically)
and a luxury (financially).
My passion is to get people not only moving but moving with conscious connection to that movement and enjoying it! So, my friend has had a physical shift in understanding and connection to the functional anatomy of her body, and as a result is confidence she won’t hurt herself. She now actually engages the necessary support to ensure she doesn’t load and strain her back. To her exercise equalled pain, so mentally it was a battle to get going and stick with any level of activity.
A chore no more, my friend I am excited to write is training daily AND loving it! I receive a message every couple of days updating me excitedly about her progress AND her enjoyment of the new journey she is skipping along, and the fact that she is not only doing all this without flaring up her ‘problems’ she is actually moving better than she can remember.
So how can knowing this help you?
I am here to offer direct/ hands-on help and assistance to those in the Sydney region. Those geographically disadvantaged a Definite Edge is only an email away!
Me and all my hats are going global with free online training tips; downloadable programs and blog articles which will include: Definite Edge™ Training (personal and corporate) - Aussie Possum™ (CST Coach) and Posture Plus™ (posture corrective stretch therapy program and products… Posturenasium™ & Stretcharium™ online coaching)
Sign up to follow my blog; follow me on twitter and facebook.
Soon to come on you-tube you will see a new level of instructional/ coaching detail, new indepth remedial detail to training with the goal to inspire and excite all those whom join me in the Posturenasium™ and Stretcharium™. CSTers you will gain new insight and progress exponentially with your mobility and clubbell swinging achievements.
A public congrats goes out to my dear friend Phillipa. Well done girlfriend, thank you for enduring my picking and taking in all the tips and corrections (and thank you for premising me to share all this).
Heres to you and your progress and to happily talking about all body functions and ‘getting’ it!
Movement is not an inconvenience
Donna/ Coach Eddy
(aka- Aussie Possum)
A perfectionist @ heart (driven by an ego that fears being ‘wrong’) my client/ friend kindly gave me a new insight to the value of my pedantic/ precise coaching. She called it the “Donna domino effect”.
What this client was referring to was her new found understanding of how her body functions and the fact that no one has ever taken the time to ensure she ‘gets it’.
My focus is connection and understanding. Core strength and stability work are phrases that are now part of our everyday language. You don’t have to be a gym bunny to know what these phrases are referring to.
The missing link to that ‘knowing’ and physically connecting to and understanding the true value of these (and many more) ‘gym’ phrases is me! Gaining an edge is all part of the plan for most people. Athletes want the edge on competitors and other teams; corporates want an edge on the market and competitors; Mr & Mrs ‘round the corner’ want the edge on the neighbour or ‘Jimmy’s’ parents at school.
To gain the edge on any level means one has an advantage; one has insight and understanding that they embody and have as part of them. The edge is within, it is not an add-on. To have the physical edge you want to have a Definite Edge. Donna’s domino effect provides a connection to exactly that… an edge; the edge; your edge.
My client saw the ‘domino’ knock –on in her physicality when she finally ‘got’ what it actually felt like when she consciously felt her pelvic floor contracting. Previous to today’s jubilation she had a cognitive understanding of what she was doing and why, but it wasn’t until she not only felt the pelvic floor move, but also the flow on from that of her Centre of Gravity being stabilised as a result.
What my client felt was the pelvic floor being contracted without all the usual movement cheats that the body innately does (thinking it is helping). What she felt was a conscious squeeze of the muscle; the resultant internal pressure that contraction produced and the flow on shift of the Sacrum (tail bone) which locked her Sacro- iliac joints into place (anatomically called “forced closure”).
The excitement around this was not just the fact that she felt all this happening on her command, it was the fact that she linked the functional benefit of having TRUE stability so that she didn’t “hurt” herself when she trained!
You see, why my dear friend finally came to me was b/c she had been through as many personal trainers and gyms as she’s had birthdays. (not to mention the thousands of dollars spent at her local physical practitioners- no need to name these here as she has been through all the modalities you care to list!)
My friend (like most) had almost given up the goal to be fit; healthy & pain-free. She just accepted that her ‘problems’ were part of getting older. To me she came because I’ve recently moved to the same suburb as her, so we meet at the beautiful Bondi beach to train.
Like most people of the 21st Century my friend saw exercise as a chore and spending time REALLY looking after herself and putting her physicality first was just too time consuming; effortful (energetically)
and a luxury (financially).
My passion is to get people not only moving but moving with conscious connection to that movement and enjoying it! So, my friend has had a physical shift in understanding and connection to the functional anatomy of her body, and as a result is confidence she won’t hurt herself. She now actually engages the necessary support to ensure she doesn’t load and strain her back. To her exercise equalled pain, so mentally it was a battle to get going and stick with any level of activity.
A chore no more, my friend I am excited to write is training daily AND loving it! I receive a message every couple of days updating me excitedly about her progress AND her enjoyment of the new journey she is skipping along, and the fact that she is not only doing all this without flaring up her ‘problems’ she is actually moving better than she can remember.
So how can knowing this help you?
I am here to offer direct/ hands-on help and assistance to those in the Sydney region. Those geographically disadvantaged a Definite Edge is only an email away!
Me and all my hats are going global with free online training tips; downloadable programs and blog articles which will include: Definite Edge™ Training (personal and corporate) - Aussie Possum™ (CST Coach) and Posture Plus™ (posture corrective stretch therapy program and products… Posturenasium™ & Stretcharium™ online coaching)
Sign up to follow my blog; follow me on twitter and facebook.
Soon to come on you-tube you will see a new level of instructional/ coaching detail, new indepth remedial detail to training with the goal to inspire and excite all those whom join me in the Posturenasium™ and Stretcharium™. CSTers you will gain new insight and progress exponentially with your mobility and clubbell swinging achievements.
A public congrats goes out to my dear friend Phillipa. Well done girlfriend, thank you for enduring my picking and taking in all the tips and corrections (and thank you for premising me to share all this).
Heres to you and your progress and to happily talking about all body functions and ‘getting’ it!
Movement is not an inconvenience
Donna/ Coach Eddy
(aka- Aussie Possum)
Monday, March 8, 2010
The sensation of progress
Below is an extract from Mastering the Art of Living.
This is the first draft of the book "Mastering the Art of Living". The book is a compilation of teaching experiences and programming developments from the Posture Plus training program which can be utilised to assist in animated pain-free living and hopefully inspire the reader with insights on how to get the most out of your body- your mind and your experience as a physical being with all of lifes distractions and easy ways out of actually living.
I thought i'd share a little of its progress!
Obviously a work in progress, so send some feedback and any ideas- information you want included/ discussed within the book.
No sensation – No success
Most people would agree PAIN is BAD. Pain is unpleasant and we humans spend our lives avoiding or moving away from pain. Those who join the Posture Plus program are surprised to learn that most ‘pain‘ is not true pain. There is a lot of unnecessary avoidance of the necessary and success producing sensation that our scared- weak- unchallenged brains tell us is pain!
The 'p' word is not allowed in a Posture Plus class and at first that sounds tough or callous but infact this is the foundation of our success! The sensation beginners know as pain is precicely the very sensation we teach them to aim for. All “pain” when stretching is in fact not “pain” and thus we teach participants how to read their body through the noisy signals it lets off.
The Posture Plus program teaches you how to get the most out of your body and training. Getting the most and striving for change usually means some level of discomfort… think of it as growing pains! You can't break out of your shell of comfort and be able to open movement, get on the floor with ease and perform manoeuvres without breaking the bounds of what your timid little mind will normally allow. (and what your social conditioning will tell you is 'normal'… that is another topic!)
Learning to read the signals and decipher the sensations will open you and your body to a whole new level of existence. What these signals mean is completely different to each person and changes with the development of body awareness and confidence. Subtle yet significant differences actually signal completely different meanings and thus require different responses (if one is actually needed at all!)
Learning to read the signals from your body means you will know when to train, when to rest, when to push, when to seek assistance. Knowing what to do and when eliminates time consuming guesswork and hesitant agitation/ distress.
You will discover with the Posture Plus Program that there is stretching (or in a broader sense- training) and then there is stretching (or training) effectively! The one’s that “hurt” are the ones you need - and if there is no sensation, there is no success (progress). What you feel is NOT pain, what you feel and are aiming for is the sensation of progress.
The Missing Link
Hands on slow training is rare and sadly avoided by most people and trainers.
The missing link for training success (and in my clinical therapy practice) is slow deliberate step by step teaching and practice of what ever is being done.
Those of you who have my Posture Plus DVDs (set up link to products) know...
Share your thoughts and send through any topics you want covered!
More to come… much more to come.
This is the first draft of the book "Mastering the Art of Living". The book is a compilation of teaching experiences and programming developments from the Posture Plus training program which can be utilised to assist in animated pain-free living and hopefully inspire the reader with insights on how to get the most out of your body- your mind and your experience as a physical being with all of lifes distractions and easy ways out of actually living.
I thought i'd share a little of its progress!
Obviously a work in progress, so send some feedback and any ideas- information you want included/ discussed within the book.
No sensation – No success
Most people would agree PAIN is BAD. Pain is unpleasant and we humans spend our lives avoiding or moving away from pain. Those who join the Posture Plus program are surprised to learn that most ‘pain‘ is not true pain. There is a lot of unnecessary avoidance of the necessary and success producing sensation that our scared- weak- unchallenged brains tell us is pain!
The 'p' word is not allowed in a Posture Plus class and at first that sounds tough or callous but infact this is the foundation of our success! The sensation beginners know as pain is precicely the very sensation we teach them to aim for. All “pain” when stretching is in fact not “pain” and thus we teach participants how to read their body through the noisy signals it lets off.
The Posture Plus program teaches you how to get the most out of your body and training. Getting the most and striving for change usually means some level of discomfort… think of it as growing pains! You can't break out of your shell of comfort and be able to open movement, get on the floor with ease and perform manoeuvres without breaking the bounds of what your timid little mind will normally allow. (and what your social conditioning will tell you is 'normal'… that is another topic!)
Learning to read the signals and decipher the sensations will open you and your body to a whole new level of existence. What these signals mean is completely different to each person and changes with the development of body awareness and confidence. Subtle yet significant differences actually signal completely different meanings and thus require different responses (if one is actually needed at all!)
Learning to read the signals from your body means you will know when to train, when to rest, when to push, when to seek assistance. Knowing what to do and when eliminates time consuming guesswork and hesitant agitation/ distress.
You will discover with the Posture Plus Program that there is stretching (or in a broader sense- training) and then there is stretching (or training) effectively! The one’s that “hurt” are the ones you need - and if there is no sensation, there is no success (progress). What you feel is NOT pain, what you feel and are aiming for is the sensation of progress.
The Missing Link
Hands on slow training is rare and sadly avoided by most people and trainers.
The missing link for training success (and in my clinical therapy practice) is slow deliberate step by step teaching and practice of what ever is being done.
Those of you who have my Posture Plus DVDs (set up link to products) know...
Share your thoughts and send through any topics you want covered!
More to come… much more to come.
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