Monday, March 8, 2010

The sensation of progress

Below is an extract from Mastering the Art of Living.

This is the first draft of the book "Mastering the Art of Living". The book is a compilation of teaching experiences and programming developments from the Posture Plus training program which can be utilised to assist in animated pain-free living and hopefully inspire the reader with insights on how to get the most out of your body- your mind and your experience as a physical being with all of lifes distractions and easy ways out of actually living.

I thought i'd share a little of its progress!
Obviously a work in progress, so send some feedback and any ideas- information you want included/ discussed within the book.

No sensation – No success

Most people would agree PAIN is BAD. Pain is unpleasant and we humans spend our lives avoiding or moving away from pain. Those who join the Posture Plus program are surprised to learn that most ‘pain‘ is not true pain. There is a lot of unnecessary avoidance of the necessary and success producing sensation that our scared- weak- unchallenged brains tell us is pain!

The 'p' word is not allowed in a Posture Plus class and at first that sounds tough or callous but infact this is the foundation of our success! The sensation beginners know as pain is precicely the very sensation we teach them to aim for. All “pain” when stretching is in fact not “pain” and thus we teach participants how to read their body through the noisy signals it lets off.

The Posture Plus program teaches you how to get the most out of your body and training. Getting the most and striving for change usually means some level of discomfort… think of it as growing pains! You can't break out of your shell of comfort and be able to open movement, get on the floor with ease and perform manoeuvres without breaking the bounds of what your timid little mind will normally allow. (and what your social conditioning will tell you is 'normal'… that is another topic!)

Learning to read the signals and decipher the sensations will open you and your body to a whole new level of existence. What these signals mean is completely different to each person and changes with the development of body awareness and confidence. Subtle yet significant differences actually signal completely different meanings and thus require different responses (if one is actually needed at all!)

Learning to read the signals from your body means you will know when to train, when to rest, when to push, when to seek assistance. Knowing what to do and when eliminates time consuming guesswork and hesitant agitation/ distress.

You will discover with the Posture Plus Program that there is stretching (or in a broader sense- training) and then there is stretching (or training) effectively! The one’s that “hurt” are the ones you need - and if there is no sensation, there is no success (progress). What you feel is NOT pain, what you feel and are aiming for is the sensation of progress.

The Missing Link

Hands on slow training is rare and sadly avoided by most people and trainers.
The missing link for training success (and in my clinical therapy practice) is slow deliberate step by step teaching and practice of what ever is being done.

Those of you who have my Posture Plus DVDs (set up link to products) know...


Share your thoughts and send through any topics you want covered!
More to come… much more to come.