Saturday, October 2, 2010

Movement is Life

Life should be experienced with vibrance and animated vigor.

You – your body, should be able to do anything at any moment.

The more you are willing to move, the more you will look for new ways to move- the world becomes that playground it once was. Climbing a tree is not just for kids; play equipment becomes a fantastic (and fun) free gym session.

All you truly have- all you “are” is your body. If that does not function with all its dynamic options….. What sort of life are you living?

Sadly we modern day adults are conditioned out of dynamic movement. When was the last time you sat or laid on the floor? When was the last time to skipped (with or without a rope). When was the last time you felt your stomach drop from the exhilaration of successfully completing a challenging physical manouver?

Most of the above activities are done when in the 'rehab' phase of an injury that suddenly 'happened TO US' or activities we watch others do. We are ignorant of the magic of our body's until we desperately want it to heal, so we can 'get on with it' and ignore it once again.

2011 will bring the opportunity to service your physical needs and still 'get on with life'. The secrets and shortcuts of injury prevention and fantastic fitness will be available through Posture Plus and the new site that is coming. Keep your eye on this blog and be ready to take action!

This body is your only body and the only thing that you truly posses! Be mindful of its service to you and aim to do one new/ different movement each month, then each week, then each day.

More to come soon!