Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Countdown to new site and Posture Plus Online Membership offers

The countdown to new donnaeddy.com site is ticking...

Posture Plus Online Membership offers will be launched with personal invites going to current class participants and therapy clients.

samples of what you can enjoy and gain with the Posture Plus Online membership will be shared both here on the Posture Plus Facebook page over the coming weeks until site is live. Join the page now: posture plus facebook

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Posture Plus demo n0.1

POST THREE ~ currently completing the final touches to the new Donna Eddy site and we will be ready to launch.

Demo video below shows a few combinations and what can be done with the foundations of the Posture Plus Program...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Posture Plus and donnaeddy.com

Launching Posture Plus to the world wide web through the new donnaeddy.com

Looking forward to sharing my work to date and receiving feedback; suggestions and results in return. Social media to follow as well!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

donnaeddy.com is coming

the long awaited new site is coming!


below is a quick promo video to whet your appetite...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

POST TWO ~ Salubrious addictions... the value of movement. I've always been able to move and move well without thinking about it. And, i've always valued being able to move. To me, movement was a release and a confirmation of how wondrous life is (or can be). Injury and most recently ~ being pregnant only cemented my belief that "Movement is not an inconvenience". The definition of Salubrious is, the generation of health & wellbeing. With that in mind, I was reflecting on habit and addictions the other day. My mind immediately went to the habit of movement. What better habit could you have? Some say that only way to break a habit is to start a new one. So if you have the habit of eating poorly ~ not exercising ~ utilising stimulants to get you through your day (all 'un' Salubrious activities) then start with something simple/ small and get moving! Make a ritual out of household chores Make a habit out of your routine Make Salubrious activities your addictions ~ and one poor habit/ un healthy activity at a time, turn your life around and value movement for movements sake. We are conditioned to forget about movement as we leave our youth behind and sadly most people follow the 'norms' which are in no way ideal let alone normal for the human body & physique. GET ON THE FLOOR DAILY ~ get uncomfortable ~ get moving and make movement your new addiction.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

POST ONE ~ in line with the new donnaeddy.com
salubrious /sa·lu·bri·ous/ (sah-loo´bre-us) conducive to health; wholesome. Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers.
Balancing all aspects of life ~ living and being human.
From movement to moving energy and emotions
(taken from facebook ~ Blue Dragon River Portugal... now on the bucket list!) Including inspirational references & quotes to sharing pictures/ videos and stories that make you gasp with excitement and joy.
WELCOME to the Salubrious Blog page.