Monday, January 26, 2009

Alternative and Complimentary Health

Alternative and Complimentary Health

I am the founder of The Posture Centre- TPC (which provides Integrative Manual Therapy) and Posture Plus™ (the Posture Corrective Stretch Therapy program). Both are the culmination of a decade of study and living a life of complimentary health. My ‘work’ is my life and my passion, my vocation and my vacation. Both services (TPC & Posture Plus™)offer healing-remedial oriented outcomes. The premise is to teach YOU how to look after yourself. Posture Plus™ is now being positioned in the health & Fitness industry as ‘the initial step’®.

Do you want to compliment your health and take your physique to the next level?
What is it you desire for your self and your body?

I assert you would be thinking a healthful body, all round fitness, a lean and supple physique, energy for anything and everything, and pain-free movement.

So how do you get ALL that?

If you have current pain (acute or chronic) a physical overhaul may be on the cards through TPC, or learning how to move with Posture Plus™. BUT if you are reasonably unscathed by life and have 'typical' aches and pains (you put down to 'getting older') then for you it is CST and FlowFit™ ….. That is all that needs to be said!!

For those unaware of the magnificent gifts that dynamic-diverse physical function provides read on …….

For those immersed in Posture Plus™ and/or CST practice- I sense your smile and joy from here. It radiates doesn’t it!!
If you are in Sydney on Saturday (yes THIS Saturday... 31st Jan) you can join the first 2hr Posture Essentials program for '09.
If you are in Sydney next month…you can join a 3hr CST mini workshop training session to refine your skills (Sunday 15th Feb).

No idea as to what this ‘CST’ stuff is?
Feeling a little deprived? You should, because you have sadly been deprived something truly wonderful… until now!

The first wave of CST is coming. FlowFit™ will be the first segment of the Circular Strength Training (CST) program from the USA and ‘flowcoach’ Scott Sonnon to be presented here in Sydney by Aussie Coaches.

Being one of Australia’s first CST Coaches I am extremely excited to announce the first FlowFit™ workshop is coming in March. To give you a taste of the CST system there is a 3hr CST mini workshop in only a few weeks. Put Sunday 15th Feb in your diary NOW!


Go to or for details and to book.

See you at the workshops
Coach Eddy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How much time do we have?

How would you live if you knew that your time was already half over.
How hung up would you be on the trivial things, on the “what ifs”?

I hear a song that reminds me of my late mother whom I still freshly mourn… has been 4 months. She (like us all) planned for the future- worried about retirement and sadly didn’t get to enjoy it. Dying at 62!

62 – I turned 35 last month and that could mean my life is potentially more than half over.

How much of your life is left?

With that perspective- how important is your time???
How closely do you cherish moments with loved ones?

How much more would you love, knowing, that each moment is one more moment off the board and one more opportunity to be open- honest- caring and real- gone.... Irreplaceable

Spend time absorbing the moments. Spend time creating memories- not spending money accumulating more objects- toys- love stifling distractions. Turn off the gadgets, turn on your heart and give yourself to your family and friends.

2009 could be Devine…
May enjoyable things come your way and you take the time to enjoy them.

2008 in review below. What did you achieve? What can you plan for in ’09?

May the angels of loved ones past whisper reminders to spend time- stimulate the heart in yourself and others and share love with all.

Happy New Year- make it memorable.
Xxx De

2008 in Review

2008 was destined to be great!

2007 I won the Springboard award at the National College of Business….. How could 2008 be anything but a flying adventure?

January A photo shoot for book “stretching for everybody”

February My third National tour for DVD promotion

March Blue to Browntip grading!!

April The First CST Workshop and another photo shoot, this time for Pilates/stretch book.

May Graduation- Grad Dip Psychotherapy/ Counselling.
Some unexpected down time……. # cracked rib!!

June Holiday time!! A week in my potentially new home – Van City. Three days with my beloved teacher- Lawrence.
Then the fulfilment of a major dream- STORM CHASING! 4800kms across the USA chasing storms- under the eye
of two potential Tornados. I will do that again!

July Family reunion! CST DVDs arrive- practice begins.

August Back to WA (7th trip) Mum made 62!!!!

September Final visit to WA….Mum passed away. Brown Belt grading.

October From CST instructor to Australia’s first CST coach.

November Posture Plus goes GLOBAL!!! Another injury…. # foot.
Certified as a Workplace Trainer and Assessor

December The start of my writing career, co- authoring Prasara book
with Scott Sonnon.

Me and my year……

A turbulent- spiritually challenging-exciting-stimulating year.

I read for pleasure- to stimulate the senses. 17 books for ’08.

Anatomy books to please the mind’s desire for clarity.

Spiritual development books to please the desire to be fun and loving.

Business books to please the ambitious workaholic.

Course work books/ study to please the desire to expand and grow and aid the healing potential.

I’m a realist. A creative adventurous realist, but a realist none the less.’ll lose me in a flash.
So movies and I it is seldom I indulge. With all my travel in 2008 though, I did catch a few flicks in-flight.

Kungfu Panda The martial artist in me could not resist!!!

Premonition Psychological thrillers, my favourite!!

Jumper Okay a little make believe. But my one ‘genie in a bottle’
wish has always been to tele- transport my self!!


 Ist CST coach in Australia ( and a whole new global family/ network to meet and get to know.
 A stronger bond with my two sisters. Through the loss of our mother we have changed our interpersonal dynamics and I
have won a new bond and enthusiasm for the simple things in life…human connection. Acknowledging others- making
time and doing simple things, just making contact and spending time.
 Faith in life and love. I am absolutely unlimited- 2009 WILL BE DEVINE… 2009 WILL BE MINE. (year of the Ox!) 


 The little girl too shy and scared to launch off that ‘Springboard’…..I am out there now
(thanx Coach Sonnon- and I am ready to fly in 2009.
 My cherished – courageous mother. I miss her strength and Noust.
I am grateful for all the trips I took across to WA to spend time. So many moments etched into my heart.
 A little more of my ego. A little less driven/triggered to be right! Things happen, life happens…
most of the time I can see things just are.


Projections for 2009…

A year filled with book writing and compiling instructor training manuals.
Training new trainers/ instructors in Posture Plus ( and CST- Flow Fit.
Treating and healing patients in the clinic.
Travelling to teach and present; travelling to play!
Training for my first Black Belt… potentially by Dec ’09.
Studying- Oriental Psychology; Yogalates; to become a CST Head Coach.

A year filled with fun- plenty of play time and momentus memories.

Today 14th Jan is the mid point b/t Western New Year and Eastern!
Cheers to the new year.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Official blog by donna eddy- postureplus

Welcome to the Donna Eddy- Posture Plus (Aussie Possum) blog!

I think there are enough names to cover  all my personalities... and no 'pain master' does not need to be added nor any related names.

The purpose of this blog is the very reason I get up each day. To "affect as many people as possible; to inspire dynamic functional movement; to guide and motivate self healing; and animate those I reach to create joyous memories and leave all intoxicated with energy and love"

Through this blog the above will be achieved by posting articles written by myself, and attaching/ linking related- inspirational- educational articles from my contacts and friends.

I will link this to my website and will tinker with the layout. All in due course.
Till then I plan to email you entries. If you wish to 'opt out' of this mailing list please title a reply 'opt out' and your email will be removed from listing.

For now... Cheers to the New year.
2009 will be devine.    

Thought for the month... 'force is only needed by those who don't have power'
Unconditional love and warm wishes