Monday, January 5, 2009

Official blog by donna eddy- postureplus

Welcome to the Donna Eddy- Posture Plus (Aussie Possum) blog!

I think there are enough names to cover  all my personalities... and no 'pain master' does not need to be added nor any related names.

The purpose of this blog is the very reason I get up each day. To "affect as many people as possible; to inspire dynamic functional movement; to guide and motivate self healing; and animate those I reach to create joyous memories and leave all intoxicated with energy and love"

Through this blog the above will be achieved by posting articles written by myself, and attaching/ linking related- inspirational- educational articles from my contacts and friends.

I will link this to my website and will tinker with the layout. All in due course.
Till then I plan to email you entries. If you wish to 'opt out' of this mailing list please title a reply 'opt out' and your email will be removed from listing.

For now... Cheers to the New year.
2009 will be devine.    

Thought for the month... 'force is only needed by those who don't have power'
Unconditional love and warm wishes

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